Buyers often start thinking about purchasing equipment in the months leading up to snow plowing season. At Plow Parts Direct, our customers start asking, “What’s new this year?” as soon as the leaves start to turn. We think the timing is perfect – because top manufacturers like Western Products begin introducing and promoting their new snow and ice control products right now.
As winter winds down in many parts of the country, snow removal professionals begin to take stock of the wear and tear on their equipment – and look for opportunities to save money on purchasing new plows and spreaders. Whether you want to upgrade or expand your fleet or need to replace outdated or worn out equipment, now is the time to shop for end-of-the-season deals.
At Plow Parts Direct, we are often asked, “When is the best time to buy a snow plow or spreader?” The obvious answer to this question is “Whenever you’re ready!” However, for those looking for great prices on snow and ice removal equipment, the ideal time to buy is at the end of the season.
Snow removal is a tough job, and having equipment that is in top working condition is essential to doing it well. But the wear and tear of a hard winter or unexpected accidents can take a toll on plows, pushers, salt spreaders and trucks.
Snow and ice management businesses that only offer a plowing service may be missing out on the potential for increased profits. There is a growing trend towards providing full-service snow and ice removal, and many firms have found success upselling to existing customers or securing new business by becoming a one-stop shop for both plowing and salt spreading.
If you’re thinking about starting a snow removal business or looking to upgrade your current fleet, choosing the right snow plow is critical. Your equipment can be the difference between boosting your bottom line and losing revenue because it’s in the repair shop more than it’s on the road.
For snow removal professionals, it is critical to start the season as prepared as possible. Waiting until the first winter storm to see if your equipment is in working order could prove to be a costly mistake.